Please consider helping us with our mission to care for our planet's wildlife. Donations made are able to be used as a tax write-off.
Donations made to Wildlife Revealed go toward the care and feeding of our birds. It takes as little as $5 to feed one of our raptors for a week, so every little bit helps and it put to good use! We are a 501-c3 non-profit and we rely on the generous donations from people just like you in order to keep our birds flying and our presentations going. Your donations also go to help improving our facility so we can expand our conservation efforts and care of these majestic animals.
Your donations will help in building the future home for our eagle breeding program. We are excited to be planning this important expansion to our conservation efforts.
Our new facilities are well under way, but there is still more to be done. This will become a state of the art and brand new work and preperation room. We will be able to store food, prepare meals, and give regular care for our animals in this room.
The upkeep of our facilities, such as the Bird Muse shown above, depend in part on generous volunteeers donating their time and energy.